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Charge Characteristics

Additional Orders

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Decision No: 99/41C
Practitioner: Name suppressed
Charge Characteristics: Charges stayed
Additional Orders: Doctor granted interim name suppression:  9941chearpriminlaw - reasons:  9941chearpriminreasonslaw
Application for the production of medical and other records partially granted:  9941chearpriminlaw - reasons:  9941chearpriminreasonslaw

Charges stayed by High Court E v MPDT (Wellington High Court, CP 190/99, Judgment 12 April 2001, Goddard J)
Doctor and all complainants granted name suppression by High Court.


Charges Stayed:

In E v MPDT and CAC (Wellington High Court, CP 190/97, 12 April 2001, Goddard J) it was ordered that the charges against the doctor be permanently stayed.  Two further orders prohibited the MPDT from hearing or continuing with the charges against the doctor and prohibited the CAC from prosecuting or continuing to prosecute the charges against the doctor or any aspect of them.